Mollie Hoben, co-founder with Glenda Martin, of Minnesota Women’s Press that publishes a bi-weekly newspaper and, my favorite literary magazine, bookwomen (, and who leads “Reading-on-the-Road adventures ( Congratulations for another great achievement! I enjoyed reading it, and especially liked the way you make the actual doing of history so much a part of the story, describing how you did the research and what that entails. That seems really important for young readers (or readers of any age, actually!) and may intrigue some into the whole idea of the engaging challenges and satisfactions of research.
Julie Hemming Savage, co-author with Heidi Hemming of the terrific forthcoming book, Women Making America, ( I’m enjoying your book! We will make it a part of our living, evolving Thanksgiving tradition.
Jackie Marshall Arnold, a professor in the Department of Teacher Education, University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio: I can’t wait to use it with my Middle School preservice students!