In 1993, driving to attend the dedication of the Seneca Falls Women’s Rights National Park, I was so excited to see a prominent historical marker honoring women that I pulled over, got out of the car, and took a picture. (All admittedly risky move on the New York State Thruway!)
The other photo from my collection honors Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s insistence on including a resolution regarding woman suffrage. (Her husband threatened to leave town if she proposed it. She did. He split.)
The text reads: “On this spot stood the Wesleyan Chapel/where the First Woman’s Rights Convention/in the World’s history was held/July 19 and 20 – 1848./Elizabeth Cady Stanton/moved this resolution/which was seconded by Frederick Douglass/’That it is the duty of the Women/of this country to secure to themselves/their sacred right/to the elective franchise.'” This plaque was dedicated in 1908, at a 60th anniversary event organized by ECS’s daughter Harriot Stanton Blatch, who continued her mother’s fight for the vote..