A lovely coating of snow greeted me this morning–the first day of Spring; happily my snowdrops and crocuses held their blossoms high!
This post is a potpourri: in addition to Happy Spring to all, I want to tell you about a blog I recently discovered, “Ms. Yingling Reads: One librarian’s attempt to read all the Young Adult Literature in the world and shoot her mouth off about it.” On March 3, she reviewed Thanksgiving: The True Story, which is why I happened to find her blog. I read more of her reviews & liked her insights and voice. Here’s the link: http://msyinglingreads.blogspot.com/2009/03/wednesday.html (Scroll down to the pic of Thanksgiving.
Re my last post about my daughter-in-law Sarah Jones, if you google “Michelle Obama + Sarah Jones,” you’ll find a cool pic and articles about MO’s women’s history day in Washington, DC.