We are not bumper-sticker people; that is we weren’t until Friday, the day Linda led a “Train-the-Trainer Workshop” on the research-based curriculum that she and her colleague Ishita Khemka developed and evaluated–ESCAPE-DD: An Effective Strategy-Based Curriculum for Abuse Prevention and Empowerment for Men and Women with Developmental Disabilities. The workshop was sponsored by the New Jersey Council on Developmental Disabilities (NJCDD) in cooperation with the New Jersey Coalition for Battered Women and New Jersey Coalition Against Sexual Assault. That’s where Linda got a NJCDD bumper stickers protesting the use of the “R” word. Since Linda had objected to the use of that word for years, I wasn’t surprised to see it on her car bumper. “Retard” is also a trigger word for bullying. (Click on the image to enlarge it.)
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